How much electricity does a light bulb use?
Making the switch to LED's can be one of the most effective ways to make savings.
Did you know...
- The average household spends around £78 a year on lighting
- Using one 100w incandescent bulb for 3 hours a day, can add up to costing £16 a year
- Using a bank of six 45w halogen lights for around 3 hours a day, can add up to costing £43 a year
Energy-saving tips
- In the average household, around half of light bulbs used are incandescent. If these were al changed to energy-saving bulbs, this could give savings of £29 a year.
- Replacing six 45w halogen bulbs for LED bulbs could give savings of £37 a year.
- Turning lights off when you leave a room can save a surprising amount. Cut down your usage by half an hour and you could see savings of £13 a year.