What's in your Loop app: Settings
- Home screen:
Tap on this link to go back to your home screen
- Help: Access this section for the following information
- Help on app features
- Online Help
- Account: Access this section for the following information
- Change personal details
- Change password
- Edit your home address
- Delete account
- Sign out
- Household
Add a few details about your home for more tailored advice on how to use your electricity and reduce overall costs such as:
- General information
- Cars & Solar
- Home heating
- Tariff
Here is where you can either add or edit your current tariff. It's important to add this as otherwise we can't provide you with any cost details in the app. Once your tariff details are entered, you can find out if you are on the best value tariff
- Devices
Smart meter information can be found here such as:
- Your address
- When you successfully registered your smart meters
- Data status
- When your data was last updated
- The available range that we are able to access
- Solar
Add or change your roof details here for the virtual solar and battery simulation or
- Notifications
All Loop notifications can be found here
- About
Your current Loop app version