Not all postcodes are in the industry database we use
If your postcode is not in mainland UK - for example in Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man - it will not appear.
If you live in mainland UK and your postcode isn't found using Loop's address lookup, the two most likely causes are:
- Your property is part of a new* development and the address has yet to be added to the energy industry database that we use.
- Your property's postcode has been changed since your meter was installed or replaced, and has not been changed in the energy industry database that we use.
To add or update your address/postcode to the industry database, contact your energy supplier or your energy network operator.
Unfortunately, you won't be able to register for Loop until your address is in the industry database.
There is an option to add an address manually but that won't work in this case as postcodes entered manually will also be checked against the database: we use postcodes not only for registration but also for setting regional variations of tariffs, and the solar simulation .
*The energy industry database isn't always well maintained, so your 'new' development may not be particularly new. We use the industry database as it allows us to look up Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPANs) as well as addresses, which helps the majority of users to register their smart meter(s) more easily.