Why isn't my address listed in the postcode finder?

Loop currently supports domestic, mainland UK properties.

If your address is not mainland UK - for example in Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man - it will not appear. The database we use also only shows residential properties with residential meters.  It does not show business properties or residential properties with business meters.

If you live in mainland UK and your address isn't appearing in Loop's address lookup, the three most likely causes are: 

  • Your property is a new build and the address has yet to be added to the energy industry database that we use.  
  • Your property's address has been modified since your meter was installed or replaced, and has not been changed in the energy industry database that we use.

For either of the above you can add your address manually by using the "Address not listed - Click Here" link when registering. NB. You will need to enter your meter point number (MPAN) manually, which can be found on your electricity bill.

  • You have at least one business meter registered to your address.  In many cases this is caused by out-of-date data in the energy industry database, often relating to a previous occupant at your address. 

To add or update your address in the industry database, or to change your meter profile from business to domestic, contact your energy supplier or your energy network operator.

If your postcode is not found by the postcode finder then please refer to this article